Rabbi Pinchas Dovid Horowitz,
born in Jerusalem, scion of great Chassidic dynasties became one of the
first Chassidic Rebbes in America when he settled in Boston in 1915. In
1939, Reb Pinchas Dovid – then known as the Bostoner Rebbe –
moved to Brooklyn and founded the Bostoner Bais Medrash of Williamsburg.
Upon his passing in Kislev 1941 his older son, Reb Moshe, succeeded his
father as the Bostoner Rebbe of Brooklyn. Two years later Reb Pinchas
Dovid’s younger son, Reb LeviYitzchak, returned to Boston and founded
the New England Chassidic Center well known for its work in Kiruv, Chesed,
and Hachnossas Orchim.
Reb Moshe was instrumental in the early development of
Yeshiva Torah Vodath, active in the leadership of Agudath Israel of America,
and in the Vaad Hatzolah. He later founded the Bostoner Bais Medrash of
Crown Heights and the Bostoner Bais Medrash of Boro Park. In 1981, upon
the passing of Reb Moshe, z’’tl, his son, Reb Avrohom Horowitz,
succeeded his father as Bostoner Rebbe of Boro Park and now in Ramat Bet
Shemesh. Reb Avrohom’s younger brother, Reb Pinchas Dovid, founded
Yeshiva Darchei Noam and brought Bostoner Chassidus to his Bais Medrash
in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn.
In the long standing Bostoner Chassidic tradition of
providing community service, Chassidic warmth, and Achdus, the Bosnter
Bais Medrash of Lawrence was founded by Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz, son of
the Bostoner Rebbe in Boro Park/Ramat Bet Shemesh , in Adar of 1992. In
a relatively short time the Bostoner Bais Medrash of Lawrence has made
its mark on the Five Towns-Far Rockaway area with its innovative youth
programs, nursery, and community service projects. Among others, the area’s
first Father & Son learning program, Choir activities, Annual Purim
Costume Competition and late night Minyonim, have not only been successful
in their community wide participation but have also served as a springboard
for similar programs initiated by a number of notable congregations and
organizations throughout the world.
For information contact Bostoner Bais Medrash
of Lawrence 1109 Doughty Blvd. Lawrence, NY 11559 Tel. 516.371.6848
Fax 516.371.4458 Email info@bostoner.org |